The Australian Institute for the Certification of Inspection Personnel is a not for profit voluntary organisation examining the competencies of PE inspection personnel. Formed in 1995 due to change in government; the changes urged industry to self-regulate. Self-regulation focused on manufacture; installation; and operation of engineered plant. In particular, owners of in-service plant needed to ensure that inspections were completed by competent persons. Developed by industry organisations, with the support of the state regulatory authorities, AICIP now provides competency certification programs for inspection personnel that are highly regarded and respected by industry.

AICIP have a board of directors; chief examiner; certification officer; executive officer and administrator. AINDT provide the secretariat service to AICIP which includes administration, accounting and executive services.

AICIP is working towards ISO 17024-2013 Conformity assessment— general requirements for bodies operating certification of persons accreditation.

No, AICIP will not conduct training courses ensuring there is no conflict of interest. AICIP will only conduct examination/certification programs.

No, AICIP have considered the issue and have decided that all candidates seeking AICIP certification must undertake the examinations.

It is the employer’s/owner’s responsibility to ensure that inspection is performed by a competent person. AICIP certification means that the inspector has been assessed as competent to undertake the work as required. However the employer of the inspector has the assurance that the inspector was independently examined and found to have certain competencies.

It is the prerogative of the employer, owner user etc to employ whoever they wish. They must comply with the appropriate standards and regulations in place in States and Territories of Australia. AICIP offers them the opportunity to utilise a nationally recognised, independent certification program for them to make decisions to assist them with their responsibilities to employ a competent person.

The first examinations for the Australian Institute for the Certification of Inspection Personnel (AICIP) were successfully completed on the 10 July 1997. These examinations were for the certification of inspection personnel as In-Service Inspector and Senior In-Service Inspector of Pressure Equipment.

Examiners are selected from the National Panel of Examiners, have at least 10 years’ experience in the design; manufacture; installation; operation; maintenance of pressure equipment; and have at least 3 years’ inspection of pressure equipment or similar equipment; and shall understand the AICIP certification scheme. Examiners assist with question development; apply examination procedures; and shall be fluent in English (written and oral).

About examination and certification

AICIP Examinations are held twice a year usually around March and September.

AICIP Examinations are held nationally in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin, Adelaide, and Perth. The number of locations is dependent on the demand for the examinations. All examinations are held at AICIP approved facilities.

For the In-service Inspector of Pressure equipment applicants are required to sit three Examination Papers (A, B & E).

For the Senior In-Service Inspector Pressure Equipment applicants are required to sit two Examination Papers (C & D).

There are no prerequisites, prior qualifications, training and/or experience specified for AICIP In-Service Inspectors Examinations. However, candidates with insufficient industry experience will have difficulty passing the theoretical Paper B and Practical Paper E.
To have a reasonable likelihood of demonstrating the required competency and passing the ISI examinations (and to limit cost), it is strongly recommended that applicants have at least the following:

Qualifications - Year 12 High School, a Trade Certificate or equivalent knowledge.
- Knowledge of common pressure equipment types and terminology used in Australian Standards.
- Basic mathematics ability e.g. to calculate the volume, thickness and hoopstress of a cylinder.
Training - 100 hours formal, self or on-job training in pressure equipment inspection and AS/NZ3788.
Experience depending on qualifications and training, 5 years (full time equivalent) including 2 years in inspection. Shorter times apply where qualifications and training are high but experience should be sufficient to develop basic technical skills and good communication skills.
Personal - ability to read, write and communicate orally in the English language.
- Maturity and reliability, eyesight and hearing (with or without correction) and physical and mental ability to competently perform the proposed inspections

* Pressure Equipment Knowledge - Understand the main technical inspection terms relating to pressure equipment

For SISI applicants’ wider experience, calculation and technical ability is desirable in addition to the above.

Applicants must successfully pass the ISI to receive a certificate. Once certified, they can apply for the Senior In Service Inspector examinations.

1. Identification
2. Bring a blue or black pen(s)
3. Standard calculator (preferably with pi)
4. Water bottle
5. No mobile phones

AICIP provide all equipment needed for the practical examinations.

PE = Pressure equipment
UTT = Ultrasonic Thickness Testing
LT = Leak Test
PSV= Pressure Safety Valve
PRV= Pressure Relief Valve
RBI= Risk Base Inspection
MPI= Magnetic Particle Inspection
NDT= Non-Destructive Testing
PMI= Positive Material Identification

If an applicant is unable to sit the exam(s) on the scheduled dates, they can sit the exams after the current round of exams have been completed at a time and a place to meet their needs. The applicant will be responsible for the cost of the invigilator; room hire; 50% of the cost of setting the new paper; and the cost for sitting the exam. Due to our compliance requirements, the invigilator and the venue must be approved by AICIP.

All AICIP Examinations are closed book exams. If reference material is required, appropriate data will be supplied.

Applicants will be notified of their examination results by email within 8 weeks from the exam date.

Inspectors are required to renew their certification every 5 years from the original issue date. Inspectors will be notified of their expiry date at least 1 month prior to the expiry date, with follow-up reminders.

To ensure your renewal notification is sent to the correct email address, Inspectors should notify AICIP of their contact details via the change of details form. It is the responsibility of the inspector to ensure that their contact details are maintained. If an inspector is wanting to renew their certification and does not receive their renewal email notification, it is the responsibility of the inspector to advise AICIP admin@aicip.org.au .

Inspectors should ensure a renewal application is lodged BEFORE your certification expiry date if you would still like to be certified by AICIP. If your certification has expired for a period longer than three months, your certification will lapse and you will be required to apply for re-certification (Paper F).

Applicants can apply for a renewal application by emailing admin@aicip.org.au .

6 months from your expiry date.

An inspector must provide objective evidence to clearly show their continued competency as judged by their reports; their client’s satisfaction of their performance; and their employers assessment of performance. Reports should detail that critical pressure equipment is safe until the next nominated inspection.

Inspectors can submit inspection reports with all confidential information about the company/customer redacted ensuring that all necessary information to support you application is available.

If you are having difficulty submitting inspection reports, to comply with the above requirements, you will need to:
1. Provide a letter from your current or last employer and any disclosure will remain confidential; and
2. Provide 5 or more client contacts including their name and details of the responsible person; and
3. State in writing why you are unable to comply - citing specific reasons.

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