There are two types of inspectors for Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Pressure Piping; In-Service Inspector and Senior In-Service Inspector.
  • In-Service Inspector sits Papers A, B & E. – (3 hours per paper) Paper A – Prerequisite – General inspection Paper B – Application – Inspection practice for specific types of PE Paper E – Practical knowledge Exam- Scenario Of pressure equipment inspections, damage assessment and client reporting.
  • Senior In-Service Inspector Paper C – Calculations (1 hour and 30 minutes)
    Paper D – Management (2 hours)
  • Recertification Paper F* Recertification Paper F* – Recertification – applies for ISI and SISI inspectors assessing competency in the field.

    *Paper F will only be applied at the discretion of AICIP In cases where the application or requested information is considered incomplete or inadequate to enable assessment of the applicants continued competency.

The examinations are closed book. If reference material is required, appropriate data will be supplied by AICIP.
Examination questions may be multiple choice, short answer and/or essay type.

- Exam venues will still be booked in the following capital cities: Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Darwin.
- When you are sitting an online exam, you will arrive on the day and a laptop will be provided with internet access for you to login to complete your exams.
- An examiner will be present to facilitate.
- Calculator with pi
- AS1210 and AS/NZS3788 (Paper C only)
- A pen

All information will be updated on our website. If you have upcoming exams please check our website regularly to stay informed of any changes. If you have registered for an upcoming exam, we will notify you of any applicable changes to your specific exam.

There are no prerequisites, prior qualifications, training and/or experience specified for AICIP In-Service Inspectors Examinations. However, candidates with insufficient industry experience will have difficulty passing the theoretical Paper B and Practical Paper E.
To have a reasonable likelihood of demonstrating the required competency and passing the ISI examinations (and to limit cost), it is strongly recommended that applicants have at least the following:

  • Qualifications - Year 12 High School, a Trade Certificate or equivalent knowledge.
    - Knowledge of common pressure equipment types and terminology used in Australian Standards.
    - Basic mathematics ability e.g. to calculate the volume, thickness and hoopstress of a cylinder.
  • Training - 100 hours formal, self or on-job training in pressure equipment inspection and AS/NZ3788.
  • Experience depending on qualifications and training, 5 years (full time equivalent) including 2 years in inspection. Shorter times apply where qualifications and training are high but experience should be sufficient to develop basic technical skills and good communication skills.
  • Personal - ability to read, write and communicate orally in the English language.
    - Maturity and reliability, eyesight and hearing (with or without correction) and physical and mental ability to competently perform the proposed inspections
  • * Pressure Equipment Knowledge - Understand the main technical inspection terms relating to pressure equipment

    For SISI applicants’ wider experience, calculation and technical ability is desirable in addition to the above.

The September 2024 examination round will be based on AS 3788- 2006.
Please be sure to keep an eye on our website for updates regarding when the new AS 3788:2024 standard will be implemented in the AICIP examinations.

It is recommended that all applicants review their knowledge and skills; both practical and theoretical. AICIP recommends all applicants consider their education; personal experiences and review their knowledge of the applicable standards prior to applying to sit examinations.

AS/NZS 3788 is the main basis for the examinations and it references some parts of other Standards which may be used for questions where relevant. Examples include:

AS 4942

Pressure equipment - glossary of terms

AS 1200

Pressure equipment

AS 1210

Pressure vessels (primarily typical joint arrangements and general construction).

AS 1228

Boilers (for main types of boilers and typical construction).

AS 1271

Safety valves, other valves, liquid level gauges, and other fittings for boilers and pressure vessels (for terminology and basic requirements only).

AS 2593

Boilers - Safety management, and supervision systems (for safety controls).

AS 3873

Pressure equipment - Operation and maintenance (for owners’ role in inspection).

AS 3892

Pressure equipment - Installation (for inspection at installation).

AS 4343

Pressure equipment - Hazard levels

AS 4458

Pressure equipment - manufacture

AS/NZ 3920

Pressure equipment - conformity assessment


Pressure piping

Model WHS Laws: safe work Australia


Model Code of Practice: Confined spaces

Model Code of Practice: How to manage work health and safety risks

Model Code of Practice: Managing noise and preventing hearing loss at work

Model Code of Practice: Managing risks of plant in the workplace

Model Code of Practice: Managing the risk of falls at workplaces

AICIP does not conduct training courses but has provided feedback to training bodies as listed on our website.

All new applicants will need to register here and follow the steps to obtain your AICIP login.
Once you have your login you will be able to fill in the online Examination Application.
Applicants will be required to fill in the each of the sections. If you do not fill in the required sections you will be unable to submit your application.
New applicants will be required to:

  • Fill in contact details including their name, date of birth, address, phone number, email, employer etc. *
  • Upload professional resume, training qualifications and/or certificates
  • Upload passport size and quality photo (jpg format)
  • Select the papers ISI (A,B,E) and SISI (C.D)
  • Select the state they are sitting in.
  • Accept the declaration
  • Pay the fee
Before the exam
Planning and organising
One - two weeks prior to the examination
  • Study any relevant standards, materials
  • Familiarise yourself with types of questions that are likely to be in the exam (see sample questions and answers)
  • Check that you know the time and place
  • Check your travel arrangements
  • Prepare your materials for the exam: pens, pencil, eraser, calculator, ID (driver’s License)
  • Make sure you are well rested.
There will be:
  • No mobile phones allowed in the examination room.
  • No talking or forms of communication with other candidates in the examination room.
  • No use of any notes or material other than those authorised or supplied.

AICIP reserve the right to remove any applicant not abiding by the above conduct in the examination room.

Exam advice:
  • Make sure you write your examination number at the top of each page. Do NOT write your name anywhere on the examination paper(s).
    • Read the instructions carefully
    • Take time to read the questions properly, identify how you are expected to answer the question E.g. List; Identify; Explain; Report; Assess; Test; Estimate; Comment; Criticise; Calculate.
    • Think about the amount of time you might spend on each section
    • Consider options for multiple choice questions (if there are any)
  • Exam strategy
    • Highlight key words.
    • Complete the questions you know well first.
    • Allocate time for questions based on the marks allocated.
    • Attempt every question – there are no marks deducted for wrong answers.
    • Save time - avoid repeating the question.
    • Abbreviations such as PE= Pressure equipment are accepted.
    • Where you do handwritten calculations, (which may be easier for some candidates, than to type formulas) make sure you write your examination number at the top of each page. Do NOT write your name anywhere on the examination paper(s).
Final minutes:
  • Check your answers.
  • Make sure your writing and figures are legible
  • Check spelling and grammar.
End of Examination:

At the end of the exam time, the online exam will close, and the invigilator will collect all exams (if any papers were completed.)

- Exam venues will still be booked in the following capital cities: Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and potentially Darwin.
- When you are sitting an online exam, you will arrive on the day and a laptop will be provided with internet access for you to login to complete your exams.
- An examiner will be present to facilitate.
- Calculator with pi
- AS1210 and AS/NZS3788 (Paper C only)
- A pen

All information will be updated on our website. If you have upcoming exams please check our website regularly to stay informed of any changes. If you have registered for an upcoming exam, we will notify you of any applicable changes to your specific exam.

  • Papers and Invigilator comments are assessed by at least two examiners highly experienced in the subject, where a result is close to the pass mark and who only know the candidate’s examination number.
  • Answers are assessed against a set of standard answers but allowance is made for difficulty. No marks are deducted for poor spelling, layout, or writing unless unreadable.
  • Final marks are usually the average of the examiners’ marks.
  • Marks close to a pass are “moderated” i.e. a third examiner may be requested to review the marked papers.
  • For In-Service Inspector - To gain certification, you must achieve an overall score of 70% or higher across all three papers and a score of 60% or higher in each individual paper.
  • For Senior In-Service Inspector - To gain certification, you must achieve an overall score of 70% or higher across all two papers and a score of 65% or higher in each individual paper.
  • If you have scored a minimum of 65% on any paper you will be eligible for a remark.
  • An initial candidate who fails to obtain the pass grade for any examination paper, may seek re-examination up to two times in the failed papers.
  • If you have passed some of the exams, these will be held for a maximum of 2 years from the original examination (first date). Failure on third attempt means no papers can be held and you will be required to re-sit all papers again.

All results will be processed within an 8 -10 week turnaround time from the last exam date.

All applicants will be notified of their results by email.

Each successful applicant will receive a nationally recognised certificate provided by AICIP. Successful Applicants will also be included on the National Register of Certified Inspectors on the AICIP Website.

Applicants who fail an examination can request a re-mark or re-sit the examination.

  • Applicants can apply for a re-mark of their examination Paper(s). Applicants will need to fill out the remark application form within two (2) weeks from the receipt of your exam results. This can be done through the AICIP login.
  • The fee of a remark is $200 per exam paper.
  • Four working weeks must be allowed after receipt of the remark application and payment for you to be notified in writing of your remark.
  • Candidates can only receive a re-mark on the papers from their most recent exam sat. Re-marks will NOT be conducted during the exam period (application cut off date – results release date).
  • An AICIP independent examiner picked at random from the approved AICIP examiners. The examiner has no details of your previous marks or your background. This is to avoid any influence on the objective marking of your exam.
  • An initial candidate who fails to obtain the pass grade for any examination paper, may seek re-examination up to two times in the failed papers.
  • If you have passed some of the exams, these will be held for a maximum of 2 years from the original examination (first date). Failure on third attempt means no papers can be held and you will be required to re-sit all papers again

Applicants re-sitting an examination have to fill out the application form for the next set of examinations. This can be done by logging in the AICIP Website.

Applicants should contact AICIP in writing if they are unable to re-sit the failed examination paper(s) within the 2-year period. A decision on extending the set timeframe will go to the AICIP board for review.

Applicants re-sitting an examination keep the same examination number.

The fee of a re-sit is:

In-Service Inspector: A, B or E $295 (per paper)
Senior In-Service Inspector: C or D $247 (per paper)

Examination feedback:

Candidates requesting examination feedback can receive examination feedback OR a re-mark not both. Candidates should contact the AICIP administrator in writing detailing their examination number; preferred contact details and time to contact; and which examination paper(s) they want reviewed. Feedback will be conducted by the AICIP Certification Officer - please allow up to four weeks from the date of your examination feedback enquiry.

The fee for feedback is $200 per paper.

In the feedback session applicants will be advised of where their potential gaps may be, and receive guidance on information to assist you when re-sitting an exam. AICIP encourages unsuccessful applicants to seek feedback.

Candidates can only receive feedback on the papers from their most recent exam sat. Examination feedback will NOT be conducted during the exam period (application cut off date – results release date).

Those who receive feedback will NOT eligible for a re-mark of the paper.


The Code of Ethics applies to all members; stakeholders who include inspectors, invigilators, examiners and industry associates. The Code should not be interpreted as a full or exhaustive list of the situations which may present as compliance or non-compliance. All members and stakeholders need to comply with the conditions and the spirit of the Code.

When performing your professional duties, you will:

  • Demonstrate Integrity and dignity acting with integrity, honesty and impartiality; acting appropriately, and in a professional manner; comply with all legal and contractual obligations.
  • Accept and perform work only within their areas of competence, i.e. within their capability, qualifications, training and experience.
  • Apply skill and knowledge in the interest of, their client or employers to carry out work in a proper, impartial and proficient manner; and compete lawfully and faithfully,
  • Avoid or advise where a conflict of interest may arise between clients, employers or the public.
  • Ensure confidentiality of copyright information or material obtained in the course of your work is not transferred to other parties unless accompanied by the written authority from a duly authorised person.
  • Provide professional advice and reports ensuring evidence, opinions or statements are accurate, objective and in a truthful manner; ensure reports and documents are based on adequate knowledge, identified interest, and state any limitations or conditions; and inform clients and employers when, in the interest of health and safety, further work is required or that work is outside your competence.
  • Continue ongoing professional development supporting others to further develop their knowledge and experience to improve competence - knowledge and skill to match changes in technology.
  • Demonstrate ongoing commitment and responsibility for the welfare and health and safety of the community and the environment, giving this priority before sectional or private interest.
  • AICIP use of certificate, logos and marks- All stakeholders.

    You may use the AICIP logo on your business card; letterhead; email signature and/or website. However, any use of the AICIP logo must be carried out in accordance with the rules specified in this document and the AICIP style guide. The following restrictions apply to any use of the AICIP logo:

    • AICIP logo shall be used on business cards; letterheads; company websites or signatures of Certified Inspectors. Any exemptions must be approved by AICIP in writing.
    • The AICIP logo may NOT be used on badges, clothing, hats or any type of apparel, or physical displays.
    • AICIP certification is NOT to be used in such a manner that may bring AICIP is disrepute, and not to make any statement regarding the certification that is deemed misleading or unauthorised by AICIP.
    • AICIP logo shall NOT be used in any manner that violates federal, state or local law.
    • The AICIP logo, identification card and certificate are NOT to be used in any misleading manner.
    • If you are found to be suspended or your certification has been withdrawn you MUST discontinue the use of all claims or references to your AICIP certification and immediately return your certificate and identification card issued by AICIP.
    • If the above requirements are not met AICIP reserves the right to request those using AICIP’s name, logo, or reference to AICIP in an unacceptable manner, to immediately desist and withdraw such documentation.

      Where doubt exists on the use of the AICIP name, or logo, advice should be sought from AICIP before using.


Dates and fees

Exam PapersNational LocationsDates (March)Dates (September)Time
Exam Enrolment Deadline Nationally** 16th February 2025 16th Aug 2025 No Enrolments after this date APPLY HERE.
Exam Onboarding Deadline Nationally** 11th March 2025 9th Sep 2025 No Onboarding on day of exam
ISI paper A & B - Theory Nationally** 13th March 2025 11th Sep 2025 AM - PM
ISI paper E – Practical* Nationally** 14th March 2025 12th Sep 2025 AM
SISI Paper C & D - Theory Nationally** 14th March 2025 12th Sep 2025 AM - PM

Additional dates for the exams may be added/deleted depending upon the applicant interest.
** Nationally – Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and *Darwin.
* Darwin applicants, please note, for the exams to run, there needs to be a minimum amount of enrolments, therefore candidates may need to opt for a different region to sit their exams. Candidates will be notified accordingly.

Renew or re-certify

Renewal application

AICIP Certification is valid for 5 years. To apply for a renewal assessment you are required to submit a minimum of 5 inspection reports; a letter from your current/or last employer detailing the work undertaken; and a declaration declaring all information is true and correct. Applications will only be assessed if all information is provided. Complete the application online and follow instructions. Please click here to login.

The fee for renewals is $885

Recertification is the same as the 5-year renewal process listed above. Assessment of the Inspectors continuing competency is based off full assessment of past and current inspection reports, types and amount of Pressure Equipment inspected, their Continual Professional Development and verbal confirmation of satisfactory inspection performance from an employer or client.

Paper F will only be applied where deemed necessary to confirm competency.

Applications will only be assessed if all information is provided.

The fee for Recertification is $885.
Has your certification expired?

Inspectors should ensure a renewal application is lodged BEFORE their certification expiry date if they would still like to be certified by AICIP. If a renewal application is not submitted before the certification expiry date, a late fee of $ 250 will be charged in addition to the renewal fee., this will apply from 1 July 2020.

If your certification has expired for a period longer than six months, your certification will lapse and you will be required to apply for re-certification (Paper F).


List of competencies

An applicant must demonstrate thorough knowledge, skills and ability that the competencies given in the AICIP Document 003-7 can be responsibly and consistently applied.

  • Competency “comprises knowledge and skills and the consistent application of that knowledge and skills to the standard of performance required in employment”. AICIP does not specify how competency is gained.

  • Competent Person usually means “a person who has acquired through training, qualification, or experience, or a combination of these, the knowledge and skills enabling that person to perform the task required”.

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