AICIP Complaints

AICIP Complaints handling process

Expression of dissatisfaction, other an appeal by any individual or organisation to a certification body relating to the activities of that body or a certified person, where a response is expected.

AICIP are committed to being responsive to the needs and concerns of its stakeholders and to resolving any complaints as quickly as possible. Figure 1 displays the AICIP Complaints Handling Process. The process is designed to receive, identify, investigate and resolve issues as promptly as possible.

  • All complaints are treated seriously.
  • All complaints will be investigated and resolved with fairness, confidentiality, and transparency.
  • The process MUST be recorded on the complaints register.
  • The complaint must be signed off by the Certification Officer.

1. Acknowledgement of complaint

AICIP Certification Officer shall advise and will assess the complaint and nominate who will manage the complaint. AICIP will acknowledge receipt of the complaint promptly, within 3 business days by the most appropriate medium for communicating to the person making the complaint.

2.Receipt of Complaint

When receiving a complaint, all supporting information will be collected and recorded in Form 1 – Customer Complaints Registration Form. This includes:

3. Investigation

Each complaint will be investigated in private, all of the complainant’s personal information will be confidential and solely used for the purposes of addressing the complaint. Care will be taken when disclosing any information about the complaint.All information provided will be used to investigate the complaint and determine a resolution.If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome:

4. Resolution

Following the investigation, the complainant will be advised of the findings and the outcome reached. Formal notice of the end of the complaints handling process will be given to the complainant including a copy of the completed Form 1. The complaint then must be reviewed and signed off by the Certification Officer or personnel not involved in the subject of the complaint.

5. Record & monitoring Complaints Register

All complaints made to AICIP will be recorded systematically on a Complaints Register. Ensuring information can be easily retrieved for reporting and analysis. To improve AICIP services the register will be included in the annual review.

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